Friday, March 18, 2011

Katie's 15th

All Katie wanted to do for a birthday party was take a few friends to the beach after church. Yes, folks. We live five minutes away from this:

Jealous? ;-)

The beach was especially beautiful on this Sunday afternoon -- cool breezes, crystal clear water, and pure, white sand. Admittedly, the water was a bit cold, but that didn't stop a few of us from enjoying the to and fro lull of the beautiful waves.

Bee, the movie-maker, took the opportunity to film the waves for an end of the year co-op news report (more on that later).

Three of the five non-water people. They, of course, received absolutely no harassment for going back on their word to get in. *ahem*

Look at all those purtty girls! :) Notice how the majority of us (who are ghostly white) effortlessly position ourselves to take advantage of the golden setting sun to make us "tan."

It was a beautiful time to enjoy being with our bosom childhood friends. We love you all, and thank you for sharing Katie's birthday with us!

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