Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Quick Bit of Family Time

The Elf had a college trip to take in Georgia, so all the ladies of the family piled into the truck and headed South -- and what a lovely direction to travel that is. We all kept remarking how wonderful it was. What can we say? There's something so wonderfully unique about the South, and we're ever so proud of it.

After the trip, we were able to spend just a few days in Florida, a whirlwind of a time with Mammy and Pop and then a bit eastward back at home! Our only regret was that there was simply no time to squeeze in a time to get to BeBe and Poppy's before Thanksgiving! :(

Speaking of Thanksgiving, though, we had a miniature one while in Tallahassee with Grandma, Mammy and Pop, Aunt Rufus and Uncle Buddy, and Mr. Paul and Mrs. Sheila. (When Mr. Paul walked in the front door, Emmy asked Mammy who he was. "You're mom's godfather," she replied. "He's GOD?!?!" Emmy answered, a bit on the astonished side. ;D)

The next night, Pop favored Mom's rather un-subtle hints at how long it'd been since she'd had a fish fry, and we got to visit with his side of the family. It was all delicious, but after Thanksgiving one night, Olive Garden for lunch, and a fish fry the next, they almost had to roll us home!

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