Saturday, July 21, 2007

Those quilt squares and wishes and prayers....

I just wanted to say a heart-felt THANK YOU to all of our friends and family who continue to bless us! We are so excited about the fabric and wishes and prayers you are sending to us for Emmy Xiang's quilt. We haven't started sewing yet, but we hope to start soon.

If you wanted to participate in the quilt, but thought it was too late....please know that it's not! Call us, email/mail or drop by your thoughts and fabric. Remember, if you aren't up for finding the perfect fabric, we'll match it up for you. We actually love to go to the fabric store (well...not Jim!).

I can't wait to show Emmy Xiang how loved she is...even before we all meet her in person.

And please...keep her in your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Will have mine in hand tomorrow...emailed the girls earlier in the week. The Elf was so kind to RELEASE me and tell me you weren't sewing yet so I was ok! :) WHEW!!!

Anonymous said...

I was one of those who thought it was too late.

I will send you my wish, and let you pick the fabric:)

Thank you!

Love you guys,

Snowflowers Mum said...

I'd love to participate
just email me your address
