Bob! Hey Bob! (Translation: Baba....Dad....Jim)
What are doing?
Are you a peek a kum? (We answer, "No I am NOT a piece of gum. I HAVE a piece of gum.")
What time 'sit? (Why does she want to know?!)
May go to China eep? (Let's go out for Chinese)
We can go today? (pause) Tomorrow? (pause, but not so long of a pause) Maybe Lay-ler? (no pause) Yes or No?
I can't hear you. (We repeat, No)
I can't hear you! (Again, No, a little lounder)
I can't hear you! (Oh....we get it. She CAN hear us. Not the answer she was looking for.)
At mealtime:
De-ah Lawd, bless this day 'an nuh-ish it, to my body, Je name, amen. (Is she consciously thinking, "Nevermind blessing the food, Lord, just the day. And these other folks don't need nourishment for their bodies. Just mine. I was the orpan, remember?)
"Emmy Xiang, it's time to ________."
Yes-see ma'am. (And a minute later.....)
I need HAY-ELP. (Did I mention that she's southern - born and bred? Born in the South of China and bred in the glorious South of the USA)
Some of her favorite foods:
Doop (Translation : soup)
Pah-dah (pasta)
Grakes (you guessed it, grapes)
Peesh (peach)
Cookie-mouse (also her favorite book)
And a few more favorites:
Oh! Shar-ree. Please do por-goo me? (That's an apology and request for forgiveness, in case you couldn't decifer it).
Neh-mind (her answer to "What did you need, Emmy Xiang?" or if one doesn't respond as timely as one should)
Life with Joe. It's always an adventure!
Just like her!
what a cutie. she cracks me up!
AWE!!! I love her!!!
yYou forgot the, "Pah-jye, Eh-Jong." (Apologize to Emmy XIang!) She says this all the time when she's mad at someone!
Another thing I just thought of was this...
If EX is wanting something (let's say a peach) this is the dialogue...
"Mom, pee-doo may I peesh?"
"No, not right now."
"Mooommmm..... I waaannnntttt"
"No, EX that's not how we ask."
"Moooommmmm...... I NEEEEEDDDDD"
One more thought.....she always asks for 5 more minutes...."biiiiig 5 minutes" if the activity is fun, and "little 5 minutes" if it's boring! And she always tells me that Baba old and EX 4. I think we repeat those phrases many times on our play-dates Friday mornings!
Love it, Hannah!
OH my this was great! What ALL of you shared. She is something else.
Glad God shared her with all of us! :)
Ok, back in college a girlfriend of mine had this expression when someone or something was cute she would say she wanted to smash them. It is an endearing term and I am telling you Emmy is very smashable!!! I just love her and I was so excited when she came up to me Sunday at church and hugged me. I felt that I have made it into the club. I love that girl and all the Brown girls. Love you all tons.
We love you too, Mrs. Becky!
Katie for the Brown Girls
What about on the phone it's "Ahh lo', Mammy, ow's schuu? I fine....well....." (Hello, Mammy, how are you? I'm fine. Well...). I love the long, drawn out conversations, but I must say it IS getting easier to understand her better with only a little bit of interpretation from Mom or her sisters. XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO
haha! cute.
speaking of the "may i go to china eep?"...
yesterday she was laughing VERY hard and I said, "You look so chinese when you laugh!" (this was her reply)
Also, the other day I found her saying, "Nihao ma, nihao ma, nihao ma,..."
Nihao ma is Hello, How are you? in chinese!
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