One of our family's favorite holidays is Easter, the day dedicated by Christians to celebrate Christ's resurrection and our hope of salvation because of it. Slowly our family has established traditions to commemorate all that Christ accomplished in that momentous week called Holy Week.
Readers might remember the
debut our Easter banner made two years ago. This year we pulled it out again, and it served as a constant reminder of the grace we've received. Along with the Easter banner, we followed our beloved friends' lead and gathered symbolic items to grace our mantle.
Additionally, on Saturday night of this year, we hosted our very first Passover meal within our home! For our first meal (with fourteen guests!), it flowed wonderfully and proved to be a beneficial event!
Mama spent countless hours preparing a personalized Haggadah (the Passover "script"), gathering all the various supplies, and planning the extensive menu. All her work payed off, for it was such a joyful and thought-provoking experience filled with food, song, and fellowship.
And Sunday morning, Resurrection Sunday, we enjoyed the marvelous blessing of rejoicing with our church family for the blessing of salvation. What a great, merciful, mighty God we serve!
Here's to traditions, new and old. Here's to fellowship with family and friends. And here's to the gospel, that beloved story. May we remember to celebrate it
everyday with our every word and deed!
Soli Deo Gloria!