Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Bag ladies

What do you get when you gather seven girls, for six hours, with five sewing machines, four irons, three moms, "too" much fabric and a dog and a pear tree?

Hmmm...not quite sure, but here is what WE came up with Friday.

The girls gathered here to learn to make a simple, lined tote bag...just the basics. After several boughts of power surges, countless times of re-threading machines, many ripped seams, snack breaks and lots of laughter, most of the girls finished their new fun totes!

The finished products (Kitty and MJ, we'll post your bags soon) :

Ladybug and Bee..............Monie, Elf and Rudy

What fun! We'll have another class next week, where we'll attempt some kind of little pouch. Maybe we'll tackle a zipper, or perhaps a drawstring closure. Whatever we do, we'll be sure to make them fun and funky!

Thanks girls, for a fun afternoon!
~Mrs. B


Unknown said...

I wanna come!!!! Send me the directions and I will see if I can figure it out. I LOVE having a friend that sews! Teach me oh great one!

Unknown said...

OH ~ I still have the square for the princess to give to you! I need to get that done! :o)

Anonymous said...

I too have to get you my fabric for Mei Mei! :) And these totes are just Too stinkin' cute! GREAT JOB GIRLS! I so wish I could sew. I was sharing with Rudy that my Granmother always sewed for us (clothes, bags, anything) but never really taught us b/c she wanted to do it for us. Now that we are older and her hands are unable to sew like they once could we all so wish she had taught us! I am with Brandi...TEACH ME! :) Love y'all! :)