Monday, October 6, 2008

Land Ho! and Welcome to Edwinstown

Our pilgrims have safely made the jourey across the Atlantic Ocean, arriving in Edwinstown on September 19th, in this, the 1637th year of our Lord. They quickly unloaded the ship and prepared to greet many loved ones. Sadly, a few of their relations had perished, for there had been an outbread of some illness (smallpox?). However, this was providential, since so many people would be joining the colony and would need places to live.

The new arrivals might share three homes, but a fourth would add to their comfort. The men, Joshua (Josh), Edward Bowing (Benjamin) and Walter Holbrooke (the and will share a cottage, Given Chambers (Bee), her newborn babe, and daughter, Hope (Vanessa), along with Dorothy Mae Holbrooke (Kitty) would share a recently built home, while Mary Leland (Elf), her family's indentured servant Denise Thorpe (Rudy) and Mem Smith (Pooch) shared a home near the garden, but farther away from the newly built homes.

The men diligently hammered away, and before the day had ended, Margaret Atherton (Ladybug) and her daughter, Mercy (Olivia), Remember Palmer (MJ) and her (recently orphaned) ward Emma Joy (EX) moved their belongings into their new home! The ladies inventoried the stores and divided them among the four homes. They busied themselves making their houses comfortable homes. The colonists enjoyed a meal of pottage and freshly picked berries, with mugs of (root) beer to wash it all down. It was quite amazing watching the men construct a house in a day and the ladies turn rude cottages into homes. Enjoy a few pictures of the day:


Jane Ellen said...

I love co-op! It's sooooo much fun! I am so very proud of being a weird hoemskooler!

Anonymous said...

I agree ladybug! this re-enacting thing is awesome!


Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

My children just love reading about this right now...imgagine if they saw you guys! WONDERFUL!

What beautiful girls and handsome guys!
Love it all....makes me wanna build a fort tomorrow...not that I will! :)

Jennifer White said...

Aahh, it blesses my heart to see you all continuing on the good work of the settlement. We have arrived in Oregon (all these years later). We came upon this very strange woman who just went on and on about her trials of traveling and her husband being mortally wounded. Strange, very odd woman she was. The men did a wonderful job building shelter, and the ladies....the hard work has served them well. Such pretty things. In His tender care, Mary Lou

Jane Ellen said...

Mary Lou,
Have I ever told you about a similar encouter I had with a woman once?
Katie ;)

Jennifer White said...

We must be talking about the "same" woman. Did she seem have crazed and disoriented? A little loopy maybe?

Karen said...

Not just a little loopey! We, too, met her and have never been the same since!

Anonymous said...

Thankfully a kind family was willing to take her in!


The Browns said...

Yes, this must be the same one! She did seem a little loopy!

Farjag said...

An architect is always proud when his work is made public. Thanks!