My friend, Lisa, posed a nice question in the comment from the last post.
I love CBEHES...but I need to know if I should do Grocery Game or visit this site and do whatever it says. I really want to serve our family better in this area!
I wanted to post about this, as a few other people have asked questions.
I acutally like the Grocery Game and learned a lot from the Grocery Game myself (
click here for info on GG), so to me, it can be worth the money it costs for the service (time = money, sometimes!). The reason I stopped GG, however, is because I figured out how to use those principles
the way that best serves OUR family. Since we tend to avoid many processed foods (preferring fresh meats/produce and whole foods and we purchase some whole grains to mill to make our own baked goods), and lots of coupons are often for processed/convenience foods and cleaners upon cleaners, I needed to learn how to apply those money-saving principles for to the foods/things that WE use/like. The posts I read and audio messages I listened to from tended to speak more to the way our family eats and prefers to shop, so I gravitated that way...and away from GG. Plus, I loved the wise encouragement from a godly perspective offered up from
Still, I gleaned what I could from GG (which does make coupon matching and "deal finding" simple for the time-conscience person). The key for me was to not rely on GG (or, for that matter) only, but to learn from it, and first and foremost, do what I learned from i.e. plan our meals, stockpile on deals (coupons + sales or ECBs) and stay within our proposed grocery budget. One nice thing about - the blog - is that there are posts each week about the best deals that the blog author or other frugal shoppers have found at CVS, Walgreens as well as other fun deals that I'd not know about from GG. And one can find ideas for meal plans, recipes and other ideas. It costs nothing, so I just pop over there when I get on the computer to check email.
Once each week (as I would with GG), ususally on Sunday afternoons or evenings, I'll print out the best deals from CVS and Walgreens (and any other deals I want to know about), I consult the grocery sale flyers that I've saved and reviewed from Wednesdays, match up coupons with sale items and plan then my shopping trip/meals accordingly. Often the coupon or the sale is just not "good enough" and I'll skip it. I'm looking for the BEST deals I can find, for foods and toiletries that we need. Sometimes I'll pop out Sunday evening, with a daughter in tow to help/learn the ropes, to grab a deal or two at CVS, Walgreens and Winn Dixie (each store is within a mile of my house). It's a fun way to spend some time chatting with a daughter, all the while having fun getting great deals. Later, if there are deals that I want to snag at another store (that is not so close), I'l drop by one of those, often combining that trip with another errand. Jim's even been known to hit the grocery store armed with a sale flyer, coupons and a list of specific things to buy. He's out "that way" more than me and is willing to help.
Also, I now only use cash; when it's gone, it's gone, so I'm much stingier about what I spend.
Perhpas the best thing, and I've since discovered how key this is, the way I approach grocery shopping and meal planning or meal making has changed. Instead of thinking "what do I want to buy to cook (i.e. what
sounds good??)?" I first think, "Let's see what's on sale or what might be a good deal at the store." I also take a quick inventory of what I've got already. THEN, I think, "hmmm...what can I make that's yummy from these ingredients." I try to plan my meals before I shop so that I'm keeping within our budgeting and health goals. OR, if I've not planned the meals yet (because I know I've got the makings of LOTS of stuff in the freezer/pantry/fridge because of great deals/sales/coupons/stockpiling) then when I go to the store I'll
only purchase great deals. I don't buy anything retail price anymore unless I'm desperate for it (not like, OH, I NEED some ice cream-desperate! Rather we're out of milk-desperate!) We've not gone without anything yummy (or healthy, for that matter) AND we've tried some new things, which add to our repertoire of meals/snacks. We only buy fruit and veggies that are in season (or just on sale good), and we stock up and enjoy those then...when they're freshest, or at least most plentiful and cheap.
So the most prevelant "transformation of thinking" for me has been instead of looking to serve myself first (what do I want to buy/eat/use), I'm trying to be a better steward of what's available (looking to what God has provided for me...via what I have or what's on sale/good deal OR what to do without...) and to be grateful for that. Just as with all things, when I trust Him and His provision and I'm blessed beyond what I can imagine.
So, finally, to answer your question, I think GG is a good option to learn or begin to develop an eye for good prices, how to combine sales and coupons, but I'd not rely upon it. I still recommend even more (to help you transform the way you THINK) Supermarket Savings 101 at
Saving money for your family
takes time, and energy. But just like anything "worth it," it is an investment and it's one that my husband and I decided was best for us. I am grateful that I'm investing in something that is serving my husband and daughters and by God's grace, will continue to teach me to rely upon Him and His provision and to be grateful for His blessings.